Interested in joining Léman? Limited openings available for the 2024-2025 school year. Mid-year en卷ments are possible.

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The 名4 curriculum promotes curiosity, 创造力, 独立, and cooperation to enhance early learning and development. 多感官教学方法鼓励并增加儿童积极参与学习,通过差异化教学来满足每个孩子的需要. These areas of development include leadership skills, 自我激励, expressive and receptive language, 积极的自尊每天都能创造成功和有益的学习经历. An integrated approach to learning provides many math, 读写能力, and writing opportunities throughout each thematic unit.


孩子们在一个丰富的印刷环境中发展他们的基本识字和预读技能. Interactive read aloud, 角色扮演, 木偶, 各种复述的机会有助于培养理解能力和批判性思维能力. 随着孩子们学会在故事之间建立联系并将学习融入到游戏中,故事在戏剧游戏和积木区域中变得生动起来. 通过对童年经典的深入研究,让孩子了解故事元素和叙事结构与顺序. 孩子们学习通过绘画和写作来表达他们的想法、感受和经历. 书信研究, in which a new letter is introduced each week, promotes an understanding of sound-symbol correspondence, correct letter formation, and recognition of both uppercase and lowercase forms. 全年, 孩子们被鼓励在给他们的工作贴标签和分享他们的想法时使用这些技能来拼写单词.


The math curriculum is embedded in the thematic units and daily routines. Whether participating in morning meeting, building in the block area, or measuring ingredients for the pretend bakery in dramatic play, children practice reasoning skills daily. 晨会例行公事加强了日历上的数字识别和顺序, patterning when tallying up the days of school, and graphing as students chart the weather patterns each month. 当在街区区域创建精致的结构并与同伴合作时, 学生加强形状识别技能和重量和平衡的概念. 各种教具帮助学生在数数时发展数学解决问题的能力, 排序, 结合, and measure with pattern blocks, 链接, 和七巧板.

科学 & 社会研究

科学和社会研究课程让学生通过动手探索来接触周围的世界, 小组讨论, and read-aloud stories. 丰富的主题单元鼓励学生深入探索和理解主题. At the start of each unit, the children are encouraged to share their prior knowledge, 经历, and any questions they may have with the group. Through inquiry and 小组讨论, 孩子们获得知识,将他们所学到的知识融入到他们的工作和游戏中. 这些批判性思维技能使孩子们成为独立的思考者和学习者.

细 & 大运动技能

孩子们的精细和大动作协调能力在一整年都在发展. Activities that involve lacing, 切割, 用带系上, 倒, and drawing help students build their fine motor muscles. Many games and math manipulatives, 比如链接, 临时数据集, 镊子提供了一种有趣的方式来增强肌肉,这是成熟握笔所必需的. 在体育课和每天下午的屋顶参观期间,为大肌肉运动的发展提供了充足的时间. Outside the children have access to a play structure with rope ladders, 攀爬墙, 还有几张幻灯片. 自行车, 球, 大的积木也可以供孩子们使用,因为他们可以一起建造平衡木等结构,以帮助他们发挥想象力,并通过跳跃来发展他们的协调性, 跳来跳去, 运行, 骑三轮车, 爬楼梯.

视觉 Arts and Music

视觉艺术, PK4 students are encouraged to work with a variety of materials to create, 解决问题, 祝大家玩得开心. 学生们用明亮闪亮的纸画画和拼贴画. 除了, students work on group projects, creating art that complements studies being done in the homeroom class. 不朽情缘磅, 卷, and pinch clay to make ceramic bowls and sculptures, which we paint and glaze with color. 在音乐中, 学前四年级学生通过各种有趣的活动,不断探索和发展不同的音乐元素. 每节课都包括传统旋律的回声演唱和音准的发展, 音调识别, and understanding of pitch relation, which provides the building blocks for confident singing and matching pitch. 学生们模仿和创造节奏模式,并练习区分节奏和稳定的节拍,同时在演奏模式和曲目时保持脉搏感.


学前四年级学生通过故事、游戏、歌曲和音乐学习普通话、西班牙语或法语. 世界语言课程每周教授5天,以理解为基础的交际语言方法,让学生通过他们所听到和阅读的内容来理解语言的含义. Students learn all content in very familiar, 简单的, 为了接收他们需要的输入,从而提高语言的熟练程度.


From the very first day of class, students gain knowledge of lifelong fitness in a safe and fun manner. 全年, students learn about spatial and body awareness, directional concepts, and locomotive skills. Through creative games and activities, students learn to cooperate and develop fine and gross motor skills. Locomotive movements such as skipping, 飞驰的, 小心翼翼地, and 运行 are skills that are continuously reviewed throughout the year. Creative movement is a large part of our curriculum. 学生们喜欢不朽情缘的动物单元,在那里他们探索其他动物的动作. 课堂上的许多概念在体育教学中得到了整合和强化, including a study of the four seasons, 模式的发展, 字母表, and animal movements.


安全第一! 一个安全的环境对于培养积极的水上体验是必要的. Students spend the first few weeks of school learning about water safety, which includes our pool rules and routines. 不朽情缘将讨论遵循这些规则的重要性,以及它们如何帮助不朽情缘成为更有效率的游泳者. 在这一年中,学生们学习游泳和救生的基本技能. These skills include learning to exhale underwater or “blowing bubbles”, floating (supine and prone floating), streamline ready position, and flutter kicking. 学生们经常在以技能为基础的小组中学习,以确保每个孩子都得到他们进步所需的关注. 探索时间是这个级别学习的重要组成部分,因为它允许学生在不那么结构化的环境中专注于不同的技能, while still being monitored.

社会 & Emotional Development

课程力求创造一个和平的课堂社区,让孩子们在一个充满关爱的环境中安全地表达自己的想法和想法. 社区意识是通过遵循响应式课堂方法建立的, 其中包括将社交和学术学习结合在一起的实用策略. Our day begins with Morning Meeting, 当每个孩子迎接朋友或访客时,他们会感到受到欢迎,并与不朽情缘的课堂家庭联系在一起. 每天的班会提供情感支持,这样孩子们就可以建立安全的关系. Learning takes place when children use their words, work on conversational skills, listen to one another, 解决问题. 合作, 轮流, and empathy are modeled to make the classroom a nurturing, 安全的环境, where young children flourish both socially and academically.

Léman 名4 Program

8:30 AM to 3:15 PM (includes lunch)
2024-25 学费: $56,200

Early Bird Drop off is available at 8:15 AM. It is included in the cost of tuition.

从2024年秋季开始, 课外活动从下午3点到下午5点30分,包括从法语到国际象棋的一系列课程. Pricing varies by number of days en卷ed. 请与 招生团队 for more information.


We are now accepting applications for 2024-2025. For information on applying visit the Léman 名3 & 名4 Application Process 页面.

请电邮至 招生团队 或打电话 212-232-0266 for more information.

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